Swearse - It´s Arsenal everyday


In and out..... pleasant.....or?

In and out ..... or nice?







Believe me. It is with pleasure that I look at the back of Gallas and Silvestre. It is with some sadness I look at the back of Eduardo and Senderos. It is with a relative understanding I look back at Merida and Campbell. Campbell must of course play for there to be any sense to continue. Merida had no openings at Arsenal and must his luck somewhere else. The bottom line is that we have loosened my four centre-halves and then it should be pointed out that that was where we were thin at the end of last season. We have replaced with one. So, for me it would only be a travesty if we stop that. I would even be able to stretch myself to consider involvement in Arsenal by allowing four centre-halves to leave replaced with one. If so, for me the club's leadership are i disgrace, they are lying straight out on the aspirations and do not do half of what they can to strengthen the club's position except from the financial Market. I just want it said that I would see it as a great insult to all Arsenal fans if nothing more is done. I would suggest that Arsenal are the same hypocritical club that Barca are. Barca behave as pigs but win, Arsenal behaves like a mother's dream, but not even trying to challenge.
However, remember that it is not over yet. I still have hope left for it to happen. But like Magnus Falk at the Swedish fans I'm beginning to doubt that Arsenal and Wenger really has every track of the steering boat right now. There is rumors, as usual, a bit loose around the players who are on their way. There is only one day left for the Emirates Cup and although I do not think so it would surely be the most appropriate to have the new players available for the tournament. It doesent feel godd at all.
What we do not need to worry about is the new rules about 25 players in the squad. You may have up to 17 external products. But in the case count Denílson Arsenal, Clichy, Bendtner, Fabregas, Song, Wilshere, Ramsey, Gibbs as home-grown In addition, we record how many under-21 player of their choice which includes Walcott, JET, Lansbury, Nordveit, Frimpong, etc.. So we can relax and play with the bunch we have. However, I think it would have been interesting to see how the teams Chelsea and City sorts out these rules. In particular, City would say. Maybe Liverpool also may have it a bit tricky here, but I dont really know there. But City, I can not really see how they can get seven of 25 who are homegrown products in the giant troop of purchase goods they have available. It must be extremely complicated.
/ / Swearse


Djourou with additional crap

Johan Djourou is talking about his season. Which leads to both joy and anxiety. Concern for the reason that he still does not know how his knee injury will react. Which would then leave us with Vermaelen and Koscielny as the only true option. In other words, disaster. There are more defenders to come. Everything else is a mystery. Great is though that Djourou is mentioning aggression as a weakness in the Arsenal that he can fill. And we really need that to happen. Maybe it is this aggression-thingy needed for Arsenal. We have on lots of occasions fallen back and fallen back and fallen back and bam. Oops, someone fired a shot. Aggressive defenders that are intimadating  for forwards and would have been nice to have. Players that Gallas has relied too much on routine and instead of attacking, he tried to figure out what will happen and on too many occasions failed.

Igor Akinfeev are linked with Arsenal, but if one reads the article as it appears that only one journalist who asked Akinfeev and that there really is no proven interest. Moreover, we also linked with Stekelenburg and still Schwarzer but unfortunately I'm beginning to doubt that there will be any movement on the keeper front.  I have also read articles about Mertesacker and particularly Jagielka. I have also read most of the fans who are incredibly excited by Jagielka. I myself have to say I am a little surprised by this enthusiasm about him but maybe it's that I have underestimated him,. But I personally believe that the £ 15m it is spoken about, there should be better players. But as I said. Right now it's fine with any defender we can scrape together, which is tragic in itself.
Well, thats about it for today. And hopefully tomorrow we have exciting new things to get into.
/ / swearse


I´m drunk

I ask all my readers on a respectful apology. But I "happened" to be completed ambulance-drunk last night. It is the festival in my town and Mrs. swearse thought that was kind enough to go on a little party. And I surely went on a party. I was a "bit" drunk and this morning was the annual festival of golf to be held. Which led to my drunk condition now. I noted the results yesterday and was pleased but the more than that I can not honestly say. I apologize for this but hope you take care of your buisness of Arsenal in all cases. I do. I have spent my entire round of golfround to harass supporters from other clubs and I have done it with a hysterical enthusiasm throughout the day.

Do you want facts, I recommend Goonertalk or Arseblog. I am not good for the facts right now.




Pre Sturm Graz

Today, it´s game again. First, let me just comment on Xavis comments about the move to Barca for Cesc is inevitable and that Cesc is at Arsenal on loan. Although Barca despised him and now can not afford him. Here is my view of Xavis comment: You idiot. Fucking idiot.
Of course, I dont no shit about Sturm Graz, which we play tonight but it will anyway be exciting to see Arsenal play. Austria-camp always indicate which players will be involved from the youngsters, and quite clearly which sytsem we will use and how to use it. While we know that players are physically squeezed in Austria and therefore looks pretty heavy in many situations. If you want to see pictures from the workout you can do it here. What we can say is that the guys from France is back, and Vela, Song and Eboue. This means that the one thing we lack now is Cesc and Van Persie. Plus, Almunia, Eduardo, and probably doing other things. Arsenal claims that Almunia is in the squad but I have not seen him. We'll see.
Goonertalk have a possible line-up but it is naturally very difficult to know. It's an interesting starting layout, especially with Djourou and Vermaelen in the middle. The question is if Wenger chooses to set up a "first-choice" or if he mixes in the halves as against Barnet. We'll see tonight.
There is not much to say about the evening match. Expectations for the outcome is more or less nonexistent, the only thing that is interesting is to see how the players look like, what combinations to use and what players who seem to impress more or less from last year.
I'm going to horse racing today. I hate horse racing, but somebody has said that there'sa beachchairs, soft and pleasant company so that's just her knee there. I wonder if my son like trot.
/ / swearse


They are leaving us

Hey hey
Today it has started to move a little. It is said that Eduardo has not complied with the rest of the squad for Austria and that his deal with Shaktar is more or less in the bag. A public presentation is to be expected soon. I understand that Shaktar is full of Brazilians and Croatians. It could explain why a Croat with Brazilian originally choose Shaktar. If Eduardo moves he does it with respect. He tried but it did not work out. Give thanks to Taylor for that.
Cole signed for Liverpool, which means that they are those who pay him best. Why else would a player choose to play in a team outside the Champions League. Well, anyway. He wanted to have time on the pitch too. He's not guaranteed that at Arsenal where he would compete with Nasri, Diaby, Fabregas, Arshavin, Walcott and Van Persie in the first place. However, I am not saying that he is a bad player. Liverpool are dangerous on top with Torres, Gerrard behind, and Cole and Kuyt on the wings. It is toxic and we are now at least six good teams in the top of the Premier League. The heats it up for next season.
Sol Campbell goes on his honeymoon and the last I've heard is that it will be Sunderland for him. A in a certain way, sensible choice. Are you supposed to play two years in the old days of your carrer, you want to do it properly. In Arsenal, he had been the fourth choice today and maybe fifth choice at a different day. I understand him even though I think he owes Arsenal because we gave him his football life back after he fucked it up with us and then at Notts County.
Unfortunately, it is just people running away and very few on the way in. Silvestre, Gallas, Eduardo, Campbell and Merida disappears. So far, we have taken in Koscielny and Chamakh. It doesn´t really ad up does it. I expect further results on that front. Wenger has a bunch of money and he hans´t spent much of it so far. About  8 m£ on Koscielny and thats about it. He needs to splash a bit more to satisfy my needs.

Tomorrow is a new game again. It is wonderfully so.
/ / swearse


Puyol declares himself a cunt, stupid fuck up

Puyol express some form of "poor-little-Cesc-is-not-allowed-to-leave-Arsenal 'comments. Now Puyol has completely burned out in my book. He is now in the same compartment as Adebayor, Cashley Cole, Christina Ronaldo and Puyol now. Reason: He has now for almost a year screamed and cried after Cesc. Either is a complete retard, Or, is he just a disrespectful cunt.. What he does not get is that the player is under contract and in the world of football, players commit themselves to a certain club that guarantees that either player for the club or the club receive a reasonable compensation for the player. Obviously this is too difficult mathematics for pussy-Puyol and his lion's mane. Cut off his hair so he dies the idiot. If Ronaldo is the archetype of how sad it is with divers, Cole archetype of how money is the only thing that matters is now Puyol is the archetype of a lack of respect for anyone but himself. Burn in hell Puyol. You really do not have a world view that is in relation to reality. Cunt cunt cunt.

The total is now one trainer, two presidents and no fewer than nine players guilty of tapping up Cesc Fabregas. What Cesc himself want is not relevant to the question but how UEFA can avoid punishment of Barcelona is a mystery.
Eduardo seems dangerously close to a move to Shaktar. That he leaves, I fully understand, he has not done well after his injury, and there seems to be no room left for him at Arsenal. However, I think it is a pity that he goes to Shaktar if it becomes so .......... he would have fit in well in a slower Spain or Italy. He had probably scored for fun in these leagues. But to play in Ukraine seems like an odd choice. But ok, we'll see if it is true.
Moreover, its not very much going on. We are eager to get new rumors with substance.

/ / swearse


Finally football, but no end to Cesc story?

Arsenal played football again yesterday and clearly the same 433 system. Before going into the match, which probably you all know, ended 4-0 to Arsenal and I'll comment on Wenger's comments after the game. He answered questions about Cesc and said more or less just as we have said as supporters for a while now. Fuck off Barca, we are tired of you. He also pointed out that we are still looking for defensive options, which should mean a central defender and a goalkeeper. He was not to reject Cole but I would not have him anymore. It is obvious that Joe Cole play out at least Tottenham, Arsenal and Liverpool (others as well likely) against each other. He just wants money and for me it's not okay to sign only for the highest salary so I do not care fore Cole. Let him suck money out of somebody else. He is to me now a mercenary and an ultra-cunt. I hope we do not have him.

Wenger also confirmed that Silvestre and Gallas will leave which was granted before. Those who want to be conspiratorial can also see that Almunia were not to be seen and perhaps disappear forever. It would have been nice.
The match then.
We won of course and there is not much to say about that.  It was an early game of the season and we played with a lot of young players. Wilshere was good, JET was as good and Simpson toxic. But for those three common is that the risk is that it will be tricky for them when the tempo increases. However, it is wonderful to see Wilshere twist, turn and choose odd options.
Koscielny played first half and was never really tested but it is clear that he needs to bulk up for a good product in the Premiership. As it looks now, it Djorou and Vermaelen who should play. However, I would ideally like to have one as backup. Djourou was yesterday, however, exactly the "no-fingers-between-back" that we lack. He and Vermaelen could be really awesome in the middle. We may hope for it.

Frimpong had an intense and wonderful first half. Especially one tackle on the edge of his own penalty area was completely hysterical.

Third goal was a really lovely old hockeyrussian clap-clap game. Awesome, typical Arsenal.

Chamakh we saw in the second and he played as a classical target player and made it really well. It looked very interesting. Like Bendtner with a good first touch. The question is was our offensive player to make room but an excess may well be good to have when the injuries is falling upon us.
Negative was that neither Henderson or Barazite was good enough for anything. I think at a player who Barazite must soon be over. He has played lots of games for many years in the rear ranks at Arsenal. But it does not look like he will be more than a gifted player.
But it was wonderful to watch football. The new faces can be exciting, especially Chamakh. Hopefully someone from falling into the player soon. We need a central defender. Campbell may suffice but we need someone huge and brilliant. And of course a goalkeeper.

There. matchday in four days again, I think. Lovely.


/ / Swearse