Swearse - It´s Arsenal everyday


Finally football, but no end to Cesc story?

Arsenal played football again yesterday and clearly the same 433 system. Before going into the match, which probably you all know, ended 4-0 to Arsenal and I'll comment on Wenger's comments after the game. He answered questions about Cesc and said more or less just as we have said as supporters for a while now. Fuck off Barca, we are tired of you. He also pointed out that we are still looking for defensive options, which should mean a central defender and a goalkeeper. He was not to reject Cole but I would not have him anymore. It is obvious that Joe Cole play out at least Tottenham, Arsenal and Liverpool (others as well likely) against each other. He just wants money and for me it's not okay to sign only for the highest salary so I do not care fore Cole. Let him suck money out of somebody else. He is to me now a mercenary and an ultra-cunt. I hope we do not have him.

Wenger also confirmed that Silvestre and Gallas will leave which was granted before. Those who want to be conspiratorial can also see that Almunia were not to be seen and perhaps disappear forever. It would have been nice.
The match then.
We won of course and there is not much to say about that.  It was an early game of the season and we played with a lot of young players. Wilshere was good, JET was as good and Simpson toxic. But for those three common is that the risk is that it will be tricky for them when the tempo increases. However, it is wonderful to see Wilshere twist, turn and choose odd options.
Koscielny played first half and was never really tested but it is clear that he needs to bulk up for a good product in the Premiership. As it looks now, it Djorou and Vermaelen who should play. However, I would ideally like to have one as backup. Djourou was yesterday, however, exactly the "no-fingers-between-back" that we lack. He and Vermaelen could be really awesome in the middle. We may hope for it.

Frimpong had an intense and wonderful first half. Especially one tackle on the edge of his own penalty area was completely hysterical.

Third goal was a really lovely old hockeyrussian clap-clap game. Awesome, typical Arsenal.

Chamakh we saw in the second and he played as a classical target player and made it really well. It looked very interesting. Like Bendtner with a good first touch. The question is was our offensive player to make room but an excess may well be good to have when the injuries is falling upon us.
Negative was that neither Henderson or Barazite was good enough for anything. I think at a player who Barazite must soon be over. He has played lots of games for many years in the rear ranks at Arsenal. But it does not look like he will be more than a gifted player.
But it was wonderful to watch football. The new faces can be exciting, especially Chamakh. Hopefully someone from falling into the player soon. We need a central defender. Campbell may suffice but we need someone huge and brilliant. And of course a goalkeeper.

There. matchday in four days again, I think. Lovely.


/ / Swearse

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