Swearse - It´s Arsenal everyday


In and out..... pleasant.....or?

In and out ..... or nice?







Believe me. It is with pleasure that I look at the back of Gallas and Silvestre. It is with some sadness I look at the back of Eduardo and Senderos. It is with a relative understanding I look back at Merida and Campbell. Campbell must of course play for there to be any sense to continue. Merida had no openings at Arsenal and must his luck somewhere else. The bottom line is that we have loosened my four centre-halves and then it should be pointed out that that was where we were thin at the end of last season. We have replaced with one. So, for me it would only be a travesty if we stop that. I would even be able to stretch myself to consider involvement in Arsenal by allowing four centre-halves to leave replaced with one. If so, for me the club's leadership are i disgrace, they are lying straight out on the aspirations and do not do half of what they can to strengthen the club's position except from the financial Market. I just want it said that I would see it as a great insult to all Arsenal fans if nothing more is done. I would suggest that Arsenal are the same hypocritical club that Barca are. Barca behave as pigs but win, Arsenal behaves like a mother's dream, but not even trying to challenge.
However, remember that it is not over yet. I still have hope left for it to happen. But like Magnus Falk at the Swedish fans I'm beginning to doubt that Arsenal and Wenger really has every track of the steering boat right now. There is rumors, as usual, a bit loose around the players who are on their way. There is only one day left for the Emirates Cup and although I do not think so it would surely be the most appropriate to have the new players available for the tournament. It doesent feel godd at all.
What we do not need to worry about is the new rules about 25 players in the squad. You may have up to 17 external products. But in the case count Denílson Arsenal, Clichy, Bendtner, Fabregas, Song, Wilshere, Ramsey, Gibbs as home-grown In addition, we record how many under-21 player of their choice which includes Walcott, JET, Lansbury, Nordveit, Frimpong, etc.. So we can relax and play with the bunch we have. However, I think it would have been interesting to see how the teams Chelsea and City sorts out these rules. In particular, City would say. Maybe Liverpool also may have it a bit tricky here, but I dont really know there. But City, I can not really see how they can get seven of 25 who are homegrown products in the giant troop of purchase goods they have available. It must be extremely complicated.
/ / Swearse

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