Swearse - It´s Arsenal everyday


Puyol declares himself a cunt, stupid fuck up

Puyol express some form of "poor-little-Cesc-is-not-allowed-to-leave-Arsenal 'comments. Now Puyol has completely burned out in my book. He is now in the same compartment as Adebayor, Cashley Cole, Christina Ronaldo and Puyol now. Reason: He has now for almost a year screamed and cried after Cesc. Either is a complete retard, Or, is he just a disrespectful cunt.. What he does not get is that the player is under contract and in the world of football, players commit themselves to a certain club that guarantees that either player for the club or the club receive a reasonable compensation for the player. Obviously this is too difficult mathematics for pussy-Puyol and his lion's mane. Cut off his hair so he dies the idiot. If Ronaldo is the archetype of how sad it is with divers, Cole archetype of how money is the only thing that matters is now Puyol is the archetype of a lack of respect for anyone but himself. Burn in hell Puyol. You really do not have a world view that is in relation to reality. Cunt cunt cunt.

The total is now one trainer, two presidents and no fewer than nine players guilty of tapping up Cesc Fabregas. What Cesc himself want is not relevant to the question but how UEFA can avoid punishment of Barcelona is a mystery.
Eduardo seems dangerously close to a move to Shaktar. That he leaves, I fully understand, he has not done well after his injury, and there seems to be no room left for him at Arsenal. However, I think it is a pity that he goes to Shaktar if it becomes so .......... he would have fit in well in a slower Spain or Italy. He had probably scored for fun in these leagues. But to play in Ukraine seems like an odd choice. But ok, we'll see if it is true.
Moreover, its not very much going on. We are eager to get new rumors with substance.

/ / swearse

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