Swearse - It´s Arsenal everyday


Pre Sturm Graz

Today, it´s game again. First, let me just comment on Xavis comments about the move to Barca for Cesc is inevitable and that Cesc is at Arsenal on loan. Although Barca despised him and now can not afford him. Here is my view of Xavis comment: You idiot. Fucking idiot.
Of course, I dont no shit about Sturm Graz, which we play tonight but it will anyway be exciting to see Arsenal play. Austria-camp always indicate which players will be involved from the youngsters, and quite clearly which sytsem we will use and how to use it. While we know that players are physically squeezed in Austria and therefore looks pretty heavy in many situations. If you want to see pictures from the workout you can do it here. What we can say is that the guys from France is back, and Vela, Song and Eboue. This means that the one thing we lack now is Cesc and Van Persie. Plus, Almunia, Eduardo, and probably doing other things. Arsenal claims that Almunia is in the squad but I have not seen him. We'll see.
Goonertalk have a possible line-up but it is naturally very difficult to know. It's an interesting starting layout, especially with Djourou and Vermaelen in the middle. The question is if Wenger chooses to set up a "first-choice" or if he mixes in the halves as against Barnet. We'll see tonight.
There is not much to say about the evening match. Expectations for the outcome is more or less nonexistent, the only thing that is interesting is to see how the players look like, what combinations to use and what players who seem to impress more or less from last year.
I'm going to horse racing today. I hate horse racing, but somebody has said that there'sa beachchairs, soft and pleasant company so that's just her knee there. I wonder if my son like trot.
/ / swearse

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