Swearse - It´s Arsenal everyday


I´m drunk

I ask all my readers on a respectful apology. But I "happened" to be completed ambulance-drunk last night. It is the festival in my town and Mrs. swearse thought that was kind enough to go on a little party. And I surely went on a party. I was a "bit" drunk and this morning was the annual festival of golf to be held. Which led to my drunk condition now. I noted the results yesterday and was pleased but the more than that I can not honestly say. I apologize for this but hope you take care of your buisness of Arsenal in all cases. I do. I have spent my entire round of golfround to harass supporters from other clubs and I have done it with a hysterical enthusiasm throughout the day.

Do you want facts, I recommend Goonertalk or Arseblog. I am not good for the facts right now.



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